Welcome to the unique website dedicated to Swiss MICE destinations and your exclusive resource for professional conferences in Switzerland.

Swisstainable Practices

Laying the Foundations for a Bright Future

Sustainability is all about minimization of resource consumption and environmental impact and the creation of long-term value across the board. In today’s day and age, sustainability is without question at the core of decision making for organizers seeking a venue for business events.

In the business world, many companies are increasingly attaching great importance to events and business trips that support the principle of sustainability. With growing sensitivity to the topic of our deteriorating environment, companies see themselves also under pressure to demonstrate social responsibility and reduce their ecological footprint. It is therefore no surprise that companies that promote sustainable business practices enhance their image and reputation.

Sustainable destinations, hotels, localities and supporting programs and, of course, travel by public transport often offer environmentally friendly and resource-efficient options that can even lead to cost savings and are therefore very attractive for companies.

All that said, it’s not just corporations and companies but also a growing number of business travelers and participants of business events are paying tribute to sustainability aspects and prefer events at locations that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible, which all has an impact on the satisfaction of the participants.

Relevance and Impact of Sustainability

In the era of sustainability, no other destination stands for this prudent, resource- and environmentally friendly zeitgeist like Switzerland. Every effort is being made to strike a harmonious balance between the needs of guests, the local population and the environment. Moving forward, the country strives to strengthen this attitude and accordingly communicate it to guests.

The launch of the new Swisstainable sustainability strategy across all impacted industries, not least the MICE branch, represents an effective movement with the vision of becoming the most sustainable destination in the world. This strategy is geared towards ensuring the long-terms success of Switzerland as a travel destination.

Swisstainable – Excellence in Sustainability

Swiss Tourism has coined the term Swisstainable with the aim of underlining their claim to be closely associated with sustainability in the long term. Merging the two terms “Swiss” and “Sustainable”, signals an independent and, above all, Swiss-typical strategy. In their communication, they resolve the play on words with the claim “Excellence in Sustainability” in a clear and comprehensible way.

In this way, they emphasize their role as a pioneer with an ambitious vision. The entire tourism industry is invited to participate in Swisstainable. In order to provide orientation for guests, service providers who are committed to sustainability are awarded a signet. These businesses are presented as role models and integrated into guest communication.

We also invite you to browse the unique Conferences Agenda and inform yourself even more precisely of all professional conferences organized in Switzerland. That is the largest and only Swiss platform that provides data on any and all conferences, congresses and symposiums.

Dear Reader

It gives me great pleasure to note that Swiss congress destinations are very popular all over the world, especially as their attraction lies often more or in a different way than other ordinary conference locations.
What makes congresses and conferences so important at a time when globally peo- ple are virtually connected and exchange information via the internet? What drives the need to nevertheless meet in person? The answer most likely lies in the innate nature of humans as social animals to have face to face encounters and to share on an individual basis. There is something to be said about the herd instinct that makes us want to personally gather because the exchange of knowledge and ideas is so much more intimate and immediate. It comes, therefore, as no surprise that get to- gethers in the form of congresses, symposia and trade fairs have lost none of their lustre and appeal and will continue to serve people for as long as humanity exists.
The logical question is where in the world people should meet? What are the char- acteristics that a country, its cities, and its MICE related infrastructure and fa- cilities must provide to make it ideal for meetings?
We are living in an age of sustainability, and this criterion now plays a crucial role in the selection process. The fact is that no other destination epitomises this pru- dent, resource- and environmentally friendly zeitgeist like Switzerland. We have always endeavoured to strike a harmonious balance between the needs of guests, the local population and the environment. The recently launched “Swisstainable” sustainability strategy embodies an effective movement with the vision of becom- ing the most sustainable destination in the world.
With sustainability sufficiently covered, in addition, experts praise the exclusive rent-a-city concept and appreciate Switzerland’s easy-to-manage infrastructure: everything is within walking distance for both business and leisure activities. Organisers and participants from all over the world are invariably impressed by the attractiveness of the conference venues, the wide range of cultural activities on offer and the unbeatable advantage of the mountains and natural beauty.
The bottom line is that Switzerland offers congress managers and organisers the ideal setting for their events: Reliability, trust, security and the highest quality are the hallmarks of our services. The exceptional concentration of tourist experiences in such a small area is also a key factor in the attractiveness of our country.
For all these reasons, I welcome the business world to Switzerland and invite decision-makers to visit and experience our country, where small equals excellent and where there are sustainability embracing congress venues to be proud of.

Dominique Schohn
Publishing Director

Swiss Convention Centres

Swiss Convention Centres is the umbrella organisation that brings together the ten largest and best-equipped congress centres in Switzerland.

Ten reasons why you should hold your conference in one of these venues

  • High quality
  • Swissness
  • Easy accessibility, thanks to its central location within Europe
  • Safety
  • Great experience and solid expertise
  • Individuality and versatility of the centres
  • Good value for your money
  • Cultural variety
  • Attractive and richly varied destinations
  • High environmental and sustainability standards

For all these reasons the Swiss Convention Centres are your quality partners.

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