The pharmacist is not only a dispenser of medicines, but an “all-round” player in the healthcare sector. Over time, his tasks and skills have significantly expanded and the constant evolution of the role of the pharmacist has now become a necessity in order to preserve its existence. PharmaDay will try to analyze the pharmacy of the past with the current one, presenting and summarizing the new trends, the new risks and the new opportunities for pharmacists and the Swiss pharmacy. All with an eye on the socio-political context that surrounds us and with which we are inevitably called to deal. BA consolidated, eagerly awaited and appreciated annual event, PharmaDay offers a day of quality continuous professional training for pharmacists and doctors. The peculiarity of PharmaDay is always that of presenting and developing at the same time moments of “classic” scientific updating with medical/socio-cultural aspects related to the theme of the congress. A careful choice of speakers with high levels of competence, ensure that PharmaDay has become an important moment in the scientific updating process for pharmacists and doctors in Ticino.