EC-squared is a series of annual international conferences on research in quantitative economics and econometrics, launched in 1990. The acronym (EC)2 stands for European Conferences of the Econom[etr]ics Community. Its main aim is to maintain and extend an adequate forum for both senior and junior European researchers in quantitative economics and econometrics to discuss the progress and results of their research. The conferences are scheduled in the middle of December and last for 2 or 3 days. They are of relatively small scale (less than 100 participants) and are very intensive. Each year a different topic of interest is selected as the major theme of the conference. A few leading quantitative economists or econometricians are invited as keynote speakers; the other speakers are selected on the basis of submitted papers, and several participants act as invited discussant. Between sessions of the plenary programme there may be poster sessions, probably with computer demonstrations and round-table discussions. There are no parallel sessions. Although only few participants can perform at the plenary sessions usually most participants do present their research at one of the other conference activities.
Università della Svizzera Italiana Lugano