The Lausanne Covenant. Additional resources. The Lausanne Covenant: Foreword. The Lausanne Covenant: Foreword. The Story of the Lausanne Covenant: Case Study in Cooperation. The Manila Manifesto. The Lausanne Legacy: Landmarks in Global Mission. Documentary about the First Lausanne International Congress on World Evangelization. Introduction to Covenant. 1. THE PURPOSE OF GOD. 2. THE AUTHORITY AND POWER OF THE BIBLE.

One of the best pieces of advice for any Christian is to fully embrace the calling to evangelize. The Lausanne Covenant emphasizes that every believer has a vital role in sharing the message of Jesus Christ, encouraging a collaborative effort among diverse communities. Since its formation in 1974 during the First Lausanne Congress, this document has served as a cornerstone for evangelical mission, uniting more than 150 nations in a shared mission of global evangelization. It reminds us that evangelism is not merely an activity; it is an expression of our faith, rooted in the belief that the gospel is fundamentally good news for all.

The Covenant outlines several key themes, including the uniqueness of Christ and the transformative power of the gospel. For evangelism to be impactful, Christians are called to understand both the authority of the Bible and the importance of social justice. By asserting that we are all made in the image of God, it states that every person deserves respect and dignity, reinforcing the idea that evangelism and social concern can and should go hand in hand. Additionally, the Covenant urges churches to transcend denominational boundaries, working together to reach the unreached populations of the world, highlighting the urgency of this task as millions remain in spiritual darkness. This collective effort not only enriches our faith but strengthens our witness to the non-Christian world.

5 December 2025 — 7 December 2025
2:40 pm

Beaulieu Convention Center Lausanne

Link to the conference