We are very pleased to invite you to our annual society meeting, the Swiss Congress of Radiology 2025 (SCR’25) which will be held am May 2025, in St. Gallen. This city offers a variety of attractions and experiences, such as a charming old town with colourful buildings, the Textilmuseum and the Stiftsbibliothek. Attached to the early medieval Abbey St. Gall, this library is a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its stunning Baroque architecture and extensive collection of medieval manuscripts.

The Swiss Society of Radiology (SGR-SSR) and its associated societies (SGPR-SSRP, SSVIR, SSER, SSSR, SSRMP), as well as the SVMTR-ASTRM (Swiss Association of Radiographers) and the SGNM-SSMN (Swiss Society of Nuclear Medicine) are making a great effort to develop an attractive programme over three days. It includes many educational and scientific sessions, exciting lectures covering the entire spectrum of diagnostic and interventional radiology as well as more dedicated sessions for each subspeciality. For this, we have invited renowned national and international speakers.

The opening session on Thursday will focus on “Cloud computing in healthcare landscape” and “Cybersecurity – What can the radiologist do”? On Friday, we will repeat our very popular residents’ session “How to survive the nightshifts” which is usually a great success, not only from the residents’ point of view. The Saturday course, entitled “Many faces of autoimmune disorders” will discuss nearly each part of the body giving you broad insights in these often rare and sometimes complicated diseases.

We very much hope that the most important aspect of our congress, namely the conviviality of the exchange between colleagues will be able to flourish as usual in 2025. On Friday, we are therefore looking forward to spending a wonderful society evening with you, our colleagues and other new people while enjoying a magnificent dinner and party!

15 May 2025 — 17 May 2025
2:40 pm

Olma Messen St. Gallen

Link to the conference