The Swiss Economic Forum (SEF) is Switzerland’s leading economic conference. Every year, 1,350 leading personalities from business, academia, politics and the media meet in Interlaken for an active exchange of ideas and cross-industry networking. In line with our theme “New Horizons”, this year‘s Swiss Economic Forum will focus on the opportunities arising from the pandemic and the challenges that the coming decade will bring. Will we develop something new or stick to what we know? What have we learnt that will help us to weather crises better in the future? With decision-makers from politics, business and academia, we will discuss leadership and steadfastness – and how these qualities can help us to secure business success in times of uncertainty. Together, we will embark on a journey into the “new normal”, where illuminating insights into bold thought concepts and a plenty of discussions awaits.

5 June 2025 — 6 June 2025
2:40 pm

Congress Kursaal Interlaken

Link to the conference