Information is crucial for every decision, but how people deal with information is often far from perfect. We would like to discuss questions related to the role of information for behaviour, in particular questions related to (i) the acquisition of information (e.g. information cost, attention, information neglect), (ii) the use of information (e.g. beliefs updating, motivated reasoning), and (iii) the transmission of information (e.g. signalling, strategic communication, impression management). These topics are central not only for economics but for all behavioural and social sciences. For this reason, this conference brings together researchers from different fields studying the role of information for behaviour – and how behaviour conveys information. We welcome contributions on these questions from economics as well as from other disciplines, such as psychology, political science, sociology, or management.

29 March 2023 — 31 March 2023
2:40 pm

Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau

Link to the conference