In resolution 28/14, adopted on 26 March 2015, the Human Rights Council decided to establish a forum on human rights, democracy and rule of law. The forum takes place every two years. During the two-day event, delegates from a wide variety of international backgrounds attend a programme of meetings, panel discussions and side events. Each forum focuses on a different topic. After the forum, the chairperson makes human rights-based recommendations in their final report, based on the inputs received and topics discussed during the event. Read more about the mandate of the forum.

Purpose of the Forum

Human rights, democracy and the rule of law create an environment in which countries can promote development, protect individuals from discrimination and ensure equal access to justice for all. The Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law is an important forum for exchange, dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation on the interrelationship between human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

The purpose of the Forum is “to provide a platform for promoting dialogue and cooperation on issues pertaining to the relationship between these areas” and to “identify and analyze best practices, challenges and opportunities for States in their efforts to secure respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law”.


The Forum is open to representatives of:

  • States;
  • United Nations mechanisms;
  • bodies and specialized agencies;
  • funds and programmes;
  • intergovernmental organizations;
  • regional organizations and mechanisms in the field of human rights;
  • national human rights institutions and other relevant national bodies;
  • academics and experts and non-governmental organizations.

21 November 2024 — 22 November 2024
2:40 pm

Palais des Nations Geneva

Link to the conference