The main objective of the conference is to showcase scientific and technological advances in meteorological observations and forecasts, expand focus on the integration of meteorological information decision-support services into the global air traffic management system, and examine further the impacts of climate change and variability on aviation.

The theme of the conference is:

“Aviation, weather and climate: scientific research and development for enhanced aeronautical meteorological services in a changing climate.”

The conference will comprise a blend of plenary keynote presentations, national and regional case studies and panel discussions, taking into account leading scientific/academic research and aviation industry best practices and developments. Poster sessions will also take place throughout the week. The session themes include:

  • Session 1 – Science underpinning meteorological observations, nowcasting and deterministic and probabilistic forecasts
  • Session 2 – Impact-based information and decision support services for aviation
  • Session 3 – Science to understand the impacts of climate change on aviation and aviation environmental issues

21 October 2024 — 25 October 2024
2:40 pm

World Meteorological Organization Geneva

Link to the conference