Article 18(3)(c) of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) mandates the ATT Secretariat to facilitate the matching of offers and requests for assistance for Treaty implementation and promote international cooperation as requested.

While States Parties are encouraged to seek assistance, where needed, and provide assistance, upon request, there has been no formal mechanism established within the ATT framework for seeking or offering assistance under the ATT. To address this gap, the ATT International Assistance Database has been developed for purposes of facilitating the matching of needs and resources for ATT implementation in fulfilment of the Treaty obligation, and to increase the number of States that
receive targeted assistance.

The ATT International Assistance Database is a secure web-based platform that enables States to submit requests and offers for assistance for Treaty implementation on a voluntary basis.

The database aims to assist and support the matching of offers and requests for ATT assistance by providing a tool for the registration of ATT needs and resources by States. In this regard, the database lists types (categories) of assistance that mirror the implementation provisions of the Treaty. Accordingly, a State can choose from these categories a relevant Treaty implementation aspect for which to submit a request or an offer for assistance. The types of assistance that can be offered or requested can be technical, financial, or legal assistance.

In its broad orientation, the Database complements the Voluntary Trust Fund and other international mechanisms available for States to provide or seek support and assistance for Treaty implementation.

25 February 2025 — 28 February 2025
2:40 pm

Venue to be announced Geneva

Link to the conference