The new anti-amyloid monoclonal antibodies demonstrate that dementia can be treated. Not only – recent research indicates that it might even be preventable like we, today, successfully prevent vascular diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction.

However, current memory clinics are ill-equipped to carry out the necessary medical acts. New health care services will need to be developed with ad hoc trained personnel, specific diagnostic technology, and an armamentarium of personalized risk reduction interventions. A brand new area of preventive medicine will thrive where Brain Health Services for the prevention of dementia will be the next generation memory clinics.

The event that will take place on 8 February 2024 at Campus Biotech in Geneva aims to educate professional stakeholders and the general public on the concept, opportunities, and challenges of dementia BHSs. It will roll out in two parts.

The Conference is devoted to an educated general audience and will give an overview of the concept, programmes, and roadmap of dementia BHSs.

The Workshop is devoted to professionals and potential initiators of pilot dementia BHSs. European healthcare providers, dementia experts, scientific societies, professionnal networks, pharma industry, patient advocates, funding agencies and charities will discuss the clinical foundations of and the business case for the setup of dementia BHSs.

This initiative falls in the larger context of the European and Swiss Brain Health plans.

8 February 2024
2:40 pm

Campus Biotech Geneve

Link to the conference