On behalf of the Swiss Implant Foundation (ISS), we would like to cordially invite you to the 6th Swiss Implant Congress on the topic of “Implant Health” in Bern. This unique Swiss congress, which only takes place every 3 years, is held and organized jointly by all 4 Swiss universities and all four professional societies, the SGI, the SSOS, the SSP and the SSRD. We are very proud to present you with a unique program with lots of practical information for everyday life.
To further underline the value of practical training, this year practical and clinical workshops will be held in partnership with industry on the day before the two-day congress. We are convinced that there is something special for each of you. The top-class scientific program committee has divided the current congress topic into 4 sessions. Attention was paid to an interactive and patient-related program that will be extremely exciting for all 4 professional societies. Following the practical lectures, there will be a panel discussion with the competent speakers.