Congratulations to Paulina Tindana of the University of Ghana for winning the inaugural GFBR paper award. Daniel Mbuthia Waweru from KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme received a special commendation. The GFBR is a partnership focused on research ethics, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Presentations and papers from GFBR 2019 are now available. Colleagues from 35 countries gathered in Stellenbosch, South Africa to discuss the ethics of data sharing and biobanking in health research. The meeting report, videos, and presentations are now accessible. In November 2017, the two-day GFBR meeting in Bangkok explored the ethics of alternative clinical trial designs and methods in LMIC research. Detailed information can be found in the presentations, case studies, and meeting report.

28 November 2023 — 29 November 2023
2:40 pm

Venue to be announced Montreux

Link to the conference