In June 2023, with the support of France and Germany, UNIDIR organized a high-level retreat in Montreux, Switzerland, to discuss ideas to revitalize the work of the Conference on Disarmament (CD) and its relationship with the wider disarmament machinery.

Seventy-nine participants from 60 States participated in the retreat in their personal capacity. Following the Retreat, in August 2023, UNIDIR presented a report containing a factual summary of the discussion in Montreux to the CD.

This event will revisit the findings from the Retreat and provide States with a recap of the findings from that discussion ahead of the opening of the CD sessions in 2024, including with a view to exploring follow-up actions.

The discussion will be followed by a technical briefing by UNODA on the introduction of e-deleGATE and on other electronic resources, including UNODA Meetings Place and the Documents Library.


  • Opening Remarks: H.E. Ambassador Camille Petit, Permanent Representative of France to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva
  • Presentation of the report: James Revill, Head of the WMD and Space Security Programmes, UNIDIR
  • Briefing on follow-up actions taken by the CD Secretariat: Mélanie Régimbal, Chief of Service, UNODA Geneva Office
  • Technical briefing from the CD Secretariat: Alice Marzi, Associate Political Affairs Officer, UNODA
  • Closing remarks: H.E. Ambassador Camille Petit and H.E. Ambassador Thomas Göbel

24 January 2024
2:40 pm

Palais des Nations Geneva

Link to the conference